Aug 19th, 2019
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- Synapse is a level 6 roblox exploit that can execute scripts, which is now a full environment, which can run any script without limitation/restrictions. It also has a decompiler.
- Ryse
- Ryse is a level 6 roblox exploit that can execute scripts. Ryse is a wrapper, and it's limited. Therefore it has restrictions on what it can execute.
- Hexus is a full script executor that can run scripts without no restriction due to it using Proto Conversion. It has GetObjects.
- Veil is a fully fledged script executor that can run scripts without no restriction, due it to it using Proto Conversion, similar to Hexus.
- It is made by Pkamara.
- Veil is $40 USD.
- RC7
- RC7 is a level 6 exploit that run any script without no problems. RC7 utilizes something called 'Bytecode conversion' to execute scripts and was the first to invent the method.
- It has a external user interface.
- It is made by KingJordan.
- RC7 is $25 USD.
- ProtoSmasher is a level 6 exploit that run any script at your will.
- It has GetObjects, loadstring implementation and can decompile scripts.
- It is made by Slappy826.
- Tervylla is a exploit that can run scripts but it is restricted. Therefore, it has restrictions on it's environment.
- Tervylla is created sloppey/louka and kingskid.
- Bleu is a level 6 lua wrapper, can execute most scripts, it is a restricted script executor, meaning it's limited.
- Elysian is a level 6 exploit that can run any script you want in ROBLOX without restrictions.
- Seraph
- Seraph is a lua wrapper, can execute most scripts without breaking a sweat. Also runs scripts at a level 6 context level.
- It is made by Autumn.
- Seraph is $35 USD.
- Flame V3
- Flame V3 is a level 6 roblox exploit that can execute preloaded Lua C commands and run lua code. It can now run Dex Explorer..
- Command Executors
- System48
- System48 is a level 6 command executor, also a explorer, similar to Dex, It has over 100 commands, and have fun hotkeys, it also claims to be stable. It is really recommended to use if you are going to change stats for a cheap price.
- The previous developer was AzuLX, which has been banned off the site.
- System48 is $5 USD.
- Noobhax is a command executor and has the ability to execute Lua C too. It is quite user friendly. It has over 100+ commands and supports 32 bit devices.
- It is made by SuperSuperSnivy.
- If I forgot to add a exploit to the list please reply with the exploit name, developer (link to their profile), sales thread, and price and a quick summary of the exploit.